Step 1 Choose Your Stockbroking establishment
The first step to getting a stockbroker in India is to precisely choose the stock brokerage establishment that you wish to be part of. This step is extremely important for you to decide thesub-broker business model you would be interested in working with, as it’ll have an impact on your day- to- day operations, impulses, and more. Always insure that piecemeal from high impulses and certainty of growth, you also look into the networking, experience, digital presence, and product immolations of the brokerage establishment. Choice emerges as an egregious choice in this respect, with these and numerous other benefits lined up for its stocksub-brokers in India.
Step 2 Eligibility and Document Conditions
The coming step would be to go through the eligibility criteria, which is relatively introductory, and submit all the properly filled applicable documents asked for with the stockbroking establishment you’re interested in partnering with. Along with the documents, interested individualities or businesses must also submit a processing figure plus GST.
Step 3 operation Scrutiny and blessing
The stockbroker also on your operation electronically to the National Stock Exchange for confirmation and blessing, along with making the processing figure payment on your behalf. The idea is to precisely check your document lest there should be any disagreement ordeficiencies.However, the exchange would return your documents for correction and posteriorre-submission, If this is the case.
Step 4 SEBI Registration
Once yoursub-broker operation has been reviewed, you would bear enrollment with SEBI with a fixed figure through your establishment itself. After SEBI acknowledges your figure payment and enrollment , you would be transferred asub-broker enrollment instrument along with a unique enrollment number. From then on, you’ll be officially considered asub-broker.
how to become a sub broker