If you are new to the world of cryptocurrencies and are having a hard time to differentiate Ethereum from Ethereum Classic, you should know that Ethereum Classic is the original Ethereum blockchain which allows for the implementation of decentralized applications and smart contracts.
In fact, the Ethereum and Ethereum Classic blockchains were identical all the way up to the block 1920000 where the infamous DAO changed a blockchain and cryptocurrency forever. This is where the first Ethereum hard fork occurred resulting in the birth of ECH.
Ethereum Classic has grown over the years substantially. Back in 2016, the charts for ETC show that the altcoin started somewhere at a dollar price. The cryptocurrency is said to have much lower volatility compared to other coins. Also, it has a stable and uniform growth which makes it a great asset to invest your money in.
The benefits that this cryptocurrency has to offer are many. For example, this is possibly the only asset that stands strong to the original nature of the indented blockchain. It keeps the core values which Ethereum as a platform initially commenced. Some of the large scale investors such as Greyscale Investment LLC and the popular crypto exchange ALFAcashier are all into the technology behind this asset.
There is more than $122 million worth of Ethereum Classic traded on a daily bases. Most of the markets already supported ethereum at the time of the fork so they just went on an accepted ETC. Some of the major exchange giants that support ETC include Coinbit, Bithumb, OKEx, Huobi, and Binance.
ETC is mined by using the proof-of-work algorithm. Its initial creation is what makes this a unique cryptocurrency. This being said, Ethereum Classic is a very powerful blockchain project that gets the eye of crypto enthusiasts but also large institutional players.